Contact us

Contact us


Phone: (385)384-1985

For general inquiries, feedback, or assistance, please email us or fill out the form below.

Park Hours:
Please view our available times and dates by clicking on our ‘Buy Tickets’ link.

Walk-In Tickets:
Walk-in tickets for standard Fully Immersive Experience are often available at the venue until 1 hour before we close, but may be subject to waiting in line. If you are driving from a distant area, call ahead to confirm. May not apply to special events or fine dining events.

Add-on Tickets:
If you need to add Fully Immersive Experience tickets to an existing booking, you can usually purchase additional walk-in tickets when you arrive. See Walk-In Tickets above.

Late Arrivals:
If you are running late to your session, please drive safely and we will try to accommodate late arrivals.



575 E University Pkwy Suite N-237, Orem, UT 84097, USA

Merge Marketplace Tomb of the Mythics Galactic Grotto Dreamwalk Decoder Light Merge Marketplace Tomb of the Mythics Galactic Grotto Dreamwalk Decoder Light
Merge Marketplace Tomb of the Mythics Galactic Grotto Dreamwalk Decoder Light Merge Marketplace Tomb of the Mythics Galactic Grotto Dreamwalk Decoder Light


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